Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Over the Octuplets!

Is anybody over hearing about the mother of octuplets yet? I am SO over it. Some story about it is plastered on my homepage everyday. Today’s headline is this “Octuplet Mom on Angelina Jolie Resemblance” (here’s the link for those who aren’t over it yet ).

Seriously, WHO CARES!! Here’s what I am more concerned with… this woman seems to have a mental problem which causes her to believe that having children will help her to fill a void she feels was caused by being an only child and other issues from her childhood. I really believe that she would be calling the fertility clinic for an appointment for another round of IVF if the public had not been screaming so loudly about her story. In the story above, she is asked if she is done having children. This is her answer:

“This happened for a reason," Suleman said of giving birth to octuplets. "This is actually a message I believe from God saying, 'You are done.' It's more than doubled the family size. So now I have to really really realize that this, this has to -- it's done”

Anybody else notice the slip of the tongue there are the end? She started to say “this has to be it” and stopped herself. And she is saying she “has to” realize, not hat she “has realized”. Maybe I have been watching that new show “Lie to Me” too much and it’s rubbing off on me. But she totally wants to have more kids. Hello, is there a doctor she can see that isn’t in a fertility clinic? Of course, considering the success rates of the doctor she chose for fertility treatments, ( ), she may already be seeing one!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I am stalking you!