And we are not competing for best/worst anything, so shut up already!
(Alternate title, “Shut up, you attention whore.”)
Why is it that some people (and you probably DON’T know who you are) have to make every situation about themselves? Anytime a person is telling a story, they have to tell one too, and shift the attention towards themselves? Every story they have is better (or worse, considering the circumstances) than the story that was being told by the other person. If the first person had the flu, the “one-upper” had pneumonia. If the first person’s baby learned to walk at 10 months old, the “one-upper’s” baby learned to walk at 9 ½ months. If the first person broke their foot, the “one-upper” broke their leg. I’m sure you know many people like this. I know I do, and truth be told, am getting sick of it. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!!
Now, there is a fine line between telling a related story that serves to support rather than one-up another person’s story. Telling those stories is fine in moderation. A quick blurb here and there to show the original speaker that you are relating to their story is good feedback. People like it when others relate to what they are saying. It makes them feel accepted and understood. But if you cut them off in order to tell them how easy they got off, or how what happened to them was nothing compared to what happened to you, STOP YOURSELF. Let someone else get some attention for a change.
This has been a public service announcement…..
Oh, and I read somewhere that people prefer blog posts with pictures, so while this is mostly unrelated, here’s a picture:
I don't know what's better, the blog post or the tshirt!!
I would totally wear that T-shirt! I should have one printed for myself!
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