You there in the car stopped at the red light in town. You with the windows down and the radio blaring AND THE SMALL CHILD IN YOUR LAP!! Put that child in a car seat!!
Do you not care that your small child could fly right out that open window (or the windshield) if you have an accident? Not to mention what the airbag could do to him. Don't give me that BS line about "we are just going right down the road" or "she cries if I put her in the car seat." Your child's life may not mean enough to you to safely strap him into a car seat in the backseat, but it means enough to me to risk getting shot when I yell at you from the next car.
Several weeks ago, we were driving on the interstate and passed a van. As I glanced into their front seat as we passed, I saw a mother in the passenger seat with a baby that couldn't have been more than 6 months old in her lap. I was so mad that I made my husband slow down so I could get their license plate number. Imagine my surprise when I saw their "Choose Life" plate on the back of their van. All I could think was, "what? save the unborn so they can die in traffic accidents later?"
So if you are one of those people I see with children unrestrained in the car, be ready to get an earful from me. I've got a big mouth and I know how to use it.